Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Nemo Outdoor vs TEMS Investigation

Di Indonesia, software untuk DT yang familiar adalah TEMS Investigation. memang software ini lah yang biasanya dipakai sebagian besar DT di Indonesia.

Disamping TEMS Investigation, sebenarnya ada juga software yang lain, yaitu NEMO Outdoor. apa bedanya dengan TEMS, bagus mana diantara keduanya?
Tampilan NEMO Outdoor

Tampilan TEMS Investigation
Berikut Keuntungan & Kerugian menggunakan NEMO Outdoor diambil dari sini
Advantages NEMO Outdoor:
1. Making of cellfile is easy and simple, no need to include neighbor list in the file
2. auto-recording & auto-scripting (as soon as the device are set online)
3. Command script with more user grip
4. Logfile starts only if GPS is fixed properly
5. Stable recording (no issue of crashing of software during long DT hours)
6. Generation of reports ins easier and simple
7. Timeslot testing is possible
8. Event/Layer Messages filtering options
9. Scan-Mode feature enabled

Dis-Advantages NEMO Outdoor:
1. Discontinous C/I Data during Dedicated Mode (under consideration by NEMO instructor)
2. BSIC not appearing in scan mode
3. For recording logfile of predefiend size, number of logfiles are defined prior to recording
4. Indoor DT not possible with NEMO Outdoor software provided
5. Separate logfile is generated for each terminal attached
6. Separate license (dongle) required for offline playback of logfile.
7. Event explanation not clear (e.g. user busy cause appearing in dropped call event rather than blocked call)
8. NEMO Outdoor crashed when exporting logfile to Mapinfo Format.

Semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan


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